Implementation of seismic and microseismic networks
We deal with the construction of seismic and microseismic networks with decades of experience in supporting customers in all activities related to geophysical services and monitoring, in addition to the design and implementation we also take care of maintenance.
Seismic and
microseismic networks
microseismic networks
The Seismic Monitoring Network is the infrastructure that controls natural seismicity or microseismicity induced by human activities, such as the injection or extraction of hydrocarbons and fluids underground. It consists of stations equipped with seismic sensors (seismometers and/or accelerometers) located in the territory.
The characteristics of the sensors must be suitable for local and regional seismicity detection, both in terms of frequency bands and dynamics of the acquired signals. The "stations", temporally synchronized by GPS antennas, are managed in real time by acquisition centers that exploit the digital transmission of data through dedicated modem lines and satellite technologies. Seismic and microseismic networks allow seismologists to determine the hypocentral parameters of earthquakes with remarkably low magnitude; it is estimated that a Network is able to record earthquakes with magnitudes even below M=1.0.