• Azienda Di Strumentazione Geofisica E Sistemi Per Il Monitoraggio 01

Geophysical instrumentation and monitoring systems company

Geophysical instrumentation and monitoring systems company: For more than ten years Solgeo has been building and monitoring systems for the prevention and assessment of seismic events and has a team of technicians, consisting of electronic engineers, geophysicists, computer scientists, physicists and other experts.

Solgeo employs a team of technicians, consisting of electrical engineers, geophysicists, computer scientists, physicists and other experts. Our know-how lies in the planning and execution of a wide range of geophysical surveys and the development and production of seismic and dynamic monitoring systems.
Team SolGeo
Stefano Limonta
Stefano Limonta
CEO & Co-Founder
Massimo Signori
Massimo Signori
Roberto Signori
Roberto Signori
Product Development Manager
Filippo Di Fronzo
Filippo Di Fronzo
Project & Key Account Manager
Riccardo Aspesi
Riccardo Aspesi
Geophyicist and Technical Director
Marina Limonta
Marina Limonta
Business Analyst & Marketing
Jonathan Salvi
Jonathan Salvi
R&D Researcher
Chiara Cocorullo
Chiara Cocorullo
Geophysicist & Data Analyst
Co-Founder SEISMIX
Dario Masciandaro
Dario Masciandaro
Production Manager
SolGeo milestones
  1. 2008
    • Research and Development of Oil &Gas systems for Eni and Saipem
  2. 2013
    • Supply and installation of microseismic networks for mining concessions in Italy and abroad
  3. 2015
    • Design, manufacture and installation of ENI e_vpms® Leak Detection System®
  4. 2016
    • Development of integrated systems for the dynamic monitoring in "real time" of offshore oil platforms
  5. 2018
    • Solgeo and Aresys establish SolAres and sign agreement with ENI to license evpms® brand and patents
  6. 2020
    • Supply and installation of the first Early Warning seismic network on the A/V line Rome - Naples for RFI.
    • SEISMIXis founded, an innovative startup for microseismic monitoring services based on the use of innovative analysis methodologies
Companies of the group
SOLGEO International Trading China
SOLGEO International Trading China is a Shanghai-based company established to market and supply microseismic monitoring networks in China, in cooperation with SNAM.
Seismix SRL
SEISMIX is an innovative startup founded in July 2020 to provide microseismic monitoring services based on the use of innovative analysis methodologies, in collaboration with Geophysical Research Institutes, at national and international level.
Basilica di Collemaggio
Nel 2017 Solgeo è stata incaricata di realizzare un impianto di monitoraggio dinamico della Basilica durante le fasi di restauro e come impianto permanente di controllo e sicurezza.
Metropolitana di Roma Metro C
Il verificarsi di eventi sismici naturali, anche di intensità non elevata, ha talvolta delle conseguenze da non sottovalutare sui comportamenti delle persone all’interno di uffici ubicati in particolare in palazzi di elevata altezza.